Čudna godina je bila ova 2020. Pa ipak i pored svega što se dešavalo u proteklih 366 dana i pored svega što će se očigledno dešavati i sledeće 2021. godine, život i muzika ne mogu da stanu. Mi kao civilizacija još uvek nismo došli do tog trenutka, što pak ne znači da nećemo. Ali o tome ćemo za godinu dana kada pravimo listu albuma 2021. ako je bude bilo nekoga da je pravi. Za sada ovo nije lista najboljih albuma izdatih u 2020.godini, već samo lista onoga šta smo mi na portalu FatHipster slušali i o čemu smo pisali.

Godišnja lista FatHipstera za 2020.godinu:

50. Radar Men From The Moon - The Bestial Light
49. Cegvera - The Sixth Glare
48. Throwing Muses - Sun Racket
47. Lewsberg - In This House
46. Fred & Rose – Estado Alpha
45. Pearl Jam - Gigaton
44. Quintron & Miss Pussycat – Goblin Alert
43. …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - X: The Godless Void and Other Stories
42. Nothing - The Great Dismal
41. Metz - Atlas Vending
40. SanIsidro – a lo pesau, a lo bajo y a lo llano
39. Real Estate - The Main Thing
38. The Third Mind - The Third Mind
37. Malcolm Strachan - About Time
36. The Big Easy - A Long Year
35. Bad Moves - Untenable
34. The Men - Mercy
33. Laura Veirs - My Echo
32. Faten Kanaan - A Mythology of Circles
31. Widowspeak - Plum
30. The Beths - Jump Rope Gazers
29. Wilsen - Ruiner
28. Ben Lukas Boysen – Mirage
27. Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud
26. IDLES - Ultra Mono
25. Elder - Omens
24. Illuminati Hotties - Free I.H: This Is Not the One You've Been Waiting For
23. Turnstyles – Cut You Off
22. The Maness Brothers - God Bless The Maness Brothers
21. Tyler Keith - The Last Drag


20. Spinning Coin
Geographic Music / Domino / 2020
19. Oceanator
Things I Never Said
Plastice Miracles / 2020
18. Kestrels
Dream or don't Dream
Darla Records / 2020
17. Stiff Richards
State of Mind
Legless Records / 2020
16. Black Lips
Sing In A World Thats Falling Apart
Fire Records / 2020
15. Slomosa
Apollon Records / 2020
14. Tobin Sprout
Empty Horses
Fire Records / 2020
13. The Lost Brothers
After The Fire After The Rain
Bird Dog Recordings / 2020
12. Pelemono
Everlasting Records / 2020
11. Cagework
Exercise in Conflict
Self-released / 2020
10. bdrmm
Sonic Cathedral Recordings / 2020
9. Tami Neilson
Outside Music / 2020
8. Repetitor
Prazan prostor među nama koji može i da ne postoji
Moonlee Records / 2020
7. Rose City Band
Thrill Jockey Records / 2020
6. Pokey LaFarge
Rock Bottom Rhapsody
New West Records / 2020
5. Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
Sideways to New Italy
Sub Pop / 2020
4. Bambara
Wharf Cat Records / 2020
3. Moaning
Uneasy Loughter
Sub Pop / 2020
2. Porridge Radio
Every Bad
Secretly Canadian / 2020
1. Fleet Foxes
Anti- / 2020