Sep 16, 2016
She&Him najavili novi božićni album

She & Him (Zooey Deschanel i M.Ward) objavili su božični album "A Very She & Him Christmas" 2013.godine. Izgleda da njih dvoje zaista vole božićne praznike, jer su rešili da i ove godine objave još jedan album obraa božićnih pesama. Album će izaći 28.oktobra za Columbia Records. Gosti na ovom albumu su Jenny Lewis, The Chapin Sisters i Steve Shelly (Sonic Youth). Među pesmama na ovom albumu našle su se i "Run Run Rudolph" Chucka Berryja i "Christmas Memories" Frank Sinatre.
Christmas Party:
1. All I Want for Christmas Is You
2. Let It Snow
3. Must Be Santa
4. Happy Holiday
5. Mele Kalikimaka
6. Christmas Memories
7. Run Run Rudolph
8. Winter Wonderland
9. The Coldest Night of the Year
10. A Marshmallow World
11. The Man with the Bag
12. Christmas Don't Be Late.