U.S. Girls najavila novi album

U.S. Girls, projekat Meghan Ramy, najavila je novi album Heavy Light, na kome je i pesma "Overtime" za koju možete pogledati video u režiji same pevačice. Heavy Light izlazi 6.marta za 4AD.

Heavy Light je naslednik albuma In a Poem Unlimited (2017) i Half Free (2015), koje je takože objavio 4AD. Ramy je sama producirala albumu na kome je srarađivala sa Basiom Bulat i Rich Morelom. Album je snimljen u Hotel 2 Tango studiju u Montrealu uz studijske muzičeare među kojima su saksofonista Jake Clemons (E-Street Band),  Maximilian 'Twig' Turnbull, Steve Chahley, dok je Tony Price miksovao album.

Heavy Light:
1. 4 American Dollars
2. Overtime
3. IOU
4. Advice to Teenage Self
5. State House (It's a Man's World)
6. Born To Lose
7. And Yet It Moves / Y Se Mueve
8. The Most Hurtful Thing
9. Denise, Don't Wait
10. Woodstock '99
11. The Color of Your Childhood Bedroom
12. The Quiver to the Bomb
13. Red Ford Radio

