Dec 11, 2018
Lambchop najavili novi album

Lambchop, projekat Kurta Wagnera, najavili su novi album This (is what I wanted to tell you) i podelili video za prvi singl "The December-ish You". This (is what I wanted to tell you) je naslednik albuma FLOTUS objavljenog 2016.godine.
Wagner je o pesmi "The December-ish You" izjavio "Zamislite sebe u čamcu, na reci, sa narandžastim drvećem i paperjastim oblacima na crvenom nebu u suton. Ovo nije to."
This (is what I wanted to tell you):
01 The new isn't so you anymore
02 Crosswords, or what this says about you
03 Everything for you
04 The lasting last of you
05 The air is heavy and I should be listening to you
06 The December-ish You
07 This is what I wanted to tell you
08 Flower