Suede podelili pesmu "The Sadness In You, The Sadness In Me"

Suede su najavili delux izdanje svog albuma "Autofiction" iz 2022.godine i podelili jednu od bonus pesama, “The Sadness In You, The Sadness In Me”. "Autofiction: Expanded" bi trebao izaći 8. decembra preko BMG-a. Set od 3 CD-a uključuje disk sa dodacima i raritetima (u suštini B-strane) i još jedan CD na kome bend izvodi album uživo.
Album uživo snimljen je tokom britanske turneje benda u martu 2023.
Suede čine Brett Anderson (vokal), Mat Osman (bas), Simon Gilbert (bubnjevi), Richard Oakes (gitare) i Neil Codling (klavijature).
Recenziju odličnog albuma "Autofiction" možete pročitati ovde.
Autofiction: Expanded:
CD 1 - Autofiction:
1. She Still Leads Me On
2. Personality Disorder
3. 15 Again
4. The Only Way I Can Love You
5. That Boy on the Stage
6. Drive Myself Home 7. Black Ice
8. Shadow Self
9. It’s Always the Quiet Ones
10. What am I Without You?
11. Turn off Your Brain and Yell
CD 2 - Extras & Rarities:
1. The Sadness In You, The Sadness In Me
2. Days Like Dead Moths
3. The Prey
4. You Don’t Know Me
5. There Is No Me If There Is No You
6. Still Waiting
CD 3 - Autofiction Live:
1. She Still Leads Me On (Live)
2. Personality Disorder (Live)
3. 15 Again (Live)
4. The Only Way I Can Love You (Live)
5. That Boy on the Stage (Live)
6. Drive Myself Home (Live)
7. Black Ice (Live)
8. Shadow Self (Live)
9. It’s Always the Quiet Ones (Live)
10. What am I Without You? (Live)
11. Turn off Your Brain and Yell (Live)