Ostani kod kuće i slušaj: BICIKL - Mnogoljetije LP
U vremenu otkazanih muzičkih dogadaja, mnogi muzičari ostaju bez izvora prihoda. Kako bi podigli svest o uticaju pandemije korona virusa na muzičare, odlučili smo se da promovišemo kupovinu domaćih izdanja, kako bi pomogli izvodačima u ovim teškim vremenima. Jedna od preporuka Webmagazina FatHipster je izdanje Mnogoljetije LP benda BICIKL.
In the time of the Expulsion, when the founders of BICIKL embarked on the long two-wheeled journey from the Baltics to the Balkans, the third sunset found them setting up their camp in Biebrzański Park. They rose at dawn to find themselves in the vicinity of a big pile of young boys, just a bunch of them sleeping on top of each other. As they were waking up, one of them who spoke Russian explained that they were from Kamenz and belonged to a Lusatian tribe which had its roots in Biebrza marshes.
Their tribal heritage prescribes that a boy transforms to a man in the period from ninth to thirteenth year, called Mnogoljetije in Lusatian. During this period every boy must learn a set of skills and complete certain tasks. The final exam consists of traveling with their coming-of-age brothers to the ancestral forest of Biebrza and surviving on their own for four days, symbolizing the four years of growing up.
He offered to show them “the girls’ camp” as well, explaining that similar customs exist for girls from twelfth to sixteenth year. Mnogoljetije is the last time they spend separated, and most of them get married upon returning to Kamenz. The boy stopped next to an oak tree, telling them he was not allowed to go any further.
Behind the old oak they saw three groups of young girls, carefully positioned in circles consisting of eleven girls, each of them having her long hair braided together with the hair of the two neighboring girls. The girls were sleeping peacefully.