Broken Social Scene najavili album za ovo leto

Broken Social Scene su imali premijeru nove pesme "Halfway Home" u martu mesecu, a dan kasnije izveli je uživo u emisiji "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert". Sada su konačno i najavili novi album  "Hug of Thunder", koji će biti objavljen 7. jula za izdavačke kuće Arts&Crafts i City Slang. Na ovom albumu pojaviće se i dugogodišnji članovi i saradnici benda Feist, Emily Heins i James Shaw (Metric) i Amy Milan I Evan Cranley (Stars).

Hug of Thunder:

01 Sol Luna
02 Halfway Home
03 Protest Song
04 Skyline
05 Stay Happy
06 Vanity Pail Kids
07 Hug of Thunder
08 Towers and Masons
09 Victim Lover
10 Please Take Me With You
11 Gonna Get Better
12 Mouth Guards of the Apocalypse

